Monday, March 4, 2013

Golden Gate Bridge

This was taken at about 4:300pm

Freighter leaving the bay

Dusk, the best time to shoot

Check out the new lights on the bay bridge

Love the stars and the fog

Another ship leaves the Gate

Find the rusted tin roof....the building to the left is East Block [Death Row] The long one above it is South Block-that's broken up into 4 units...Alpine, Badger, Carson [The Hole] and Donner. connecting to that on the right is West Block. the two buildings on the left in the foreground going horizontal is the AC [Adjustment Center] and the bigger one is North Block.

the five red roof buildings are H- Unit...These are dorms..No cells

I shot these pics on 3-3-13. It was windy and very cold but me and my son stuck it out for 3 hours to get these shots. The aerial photos were shot last year when I took a flying lesson, so I threw in the shots of San Quentin.