Monday, January 14, 2013

Aerosmith...'80's thru '06

Steven Tyler '84
Aerosmith Oakland, Ca. Reunion tour '84
Steven Tyler Cow Palace, S.F. '85
Joe Perry  S.F. '83
Joe Perry  Berkeley, Ca. '83
Standing right over me

This was in Sacramento,Ca. w/out JP

Reunion tour can find this on youtube

San Jose, Ca. 2006

Joe Perry Project  S.F. '83

Everyone knows I'm a huge Aerosmith fan, My first concert was 1978 "day on the green". Opening act was Frank Marino, Then Van Halen,{their first tour}next AC/DC, Foreigner and the headliners AEROSMITH! I had to smuggle my camera and lenses into the shows and a few times I was able to get back stage. On one occasion I got to meet Steven Tyler. He was very approachable and very nice. Then in 1983 after they broke up I met Joe Perry at the Keystone in Berkley CA. The next night at the Stone in S.F. So when Aerosmith reunited in '84 I was back stage and JP saw me and asked me to send him the pictures I had taken of the shows he did in Berkley and S.F....... The older pic's are film and were scanned to my computer, so the quality isn't that good. I just realized I'm actually missing some pic's.

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